Ivy Parks | BD Canada

June 11th 2024 –  This week, we have the pleasure of speaking with Ivy Parks, President of BD Canada. Ivy's  journey began in a customer service role, and over the past 20 years, she has risen through the ranks to lead the company. Join us as we explore her career path, the challenges she has overcome, and her vision for the future of BD Canada.

BD Canada: BD.com
Get Your Tickets to The NGBI Summit: nextgreatbigideas.com
Lab Occupier: laboccupier.com

Creators and Guests

Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson has 35 years of experience in commercial real estate and leads a contract real estate team working exclusively with Tenants in Canadian Life Sciences. He is the founder and Chair of www.NextGreatBigIdeas.com - Canada's Life Sciences Summit and the host of the NGBIdeas & NGBI Lab podcasts.
Ivy Parks
Ivy Parks
Ivy Parks is currently President at BD Canada.
Ivy Parks | BD Canada
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