Raphael Ronen | Sunnybrook Research Institute

May 14th 2024 – Our guest this week is Raphael Ronen, Director of Business Development at Sunnybrook Research Institute. Sunnybrook holds the designation of being recognized as a Centre of Excellence by the Focused Ultrasound Foundation—the first in Canada, and one of only seven worldwide. Regarded as one of the most comprehensive and globally successful programs, Raphael helps get their technology from the bench and into the hands of doctors.

Sunnybrook Research Institute: sunnybrook.ca/research/
Get Your Tickets to The NGBI Summit: nextgreatbigideas.com
Lab Occupier: laboccupier.com

Creators and Guests

Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson has 35 years of experience in commercial real estate and leads a contract real estate team working exclusively with Tenants in Canadian Life Sciences. He is the founder and Chair of www.NextGreatBigIdeas.com - Canada's Life Sciences Summit and the host of the NGBIdeas & NGBI Lab podcasts.
Raphael Ronen | Sunnybrook Research Institute
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