Tamara Seales | Seaford Pharmaceuticals

May 7th, 2024 – Join us this week as we welcome Tamara Seales, President of Seaford Pharmaceuticals, a Canadian-made and family-owned business. Founded in 1991 by the Seales family, Seaford Pharmaceuticals boasts a proud legacy. Today, Tamara leads the company, continuing the vision set forth by her father, Ron Seales. Under her guidance, Seaford Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to developing pharmaceutical solutions for both in-hospital and home settings.

Creators and Guests

Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson has 35 years of experience in commercial real estate and leads a contract real estate team working exclusively with Tenants in Canadian Life Sciences. He is the founder and Chair of www.NextGreatBigIdeas.com - Canada's Life Sciences Summit and the host of the NGBIdeas & NGBI Lab podcasts.
Tamara Seales | Seaford Pharmaceuticals
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